What Are the Potential Issues with Electrostatic Air Filters?

Electrostatic air filters are a popular choice for many households, but they come with some potential drawbacks. Unlike HEPA and pleated air filters, electrostatic filters cannot block pathogens, which can be a problem for people with respiratory diseases. Additionally, electrostatic filters can release larger particles into the air, making them less effective than other types of filters. When profitability or initial capital cost is not a critical factor, fine flat panel filters can be combined with pocket filters to provide a second stage of filtration, or electrostatic filters can be used to retain even finer particles.

Dry-type electrostatic filters usually combine such dust collectors into an integral unit. Both pocket filters and electrostatic filters are particularly suitable for variable air volume systems, where air volumes can vary between 20 and 110% of the design value. Variable air volume systems are becoming increasingly popular due to potential energy savings. An electrostatic air filter uses static electricity to trap dust, pollen, and other airborne particles before entering the room. The most effective interventions in relation to symptoms were the maintenance of air conditioning systems with better air filtration (P).

Electrostatic air filters are also called reusable air filters or washable air filters, because the filter can be washed and reused. The acoustic-electrostatic filter showed a reduction of approximately 40% in the number of submicron sized particles (fig).WHF can provide residential air filtration through the home's HVAC system, the PRAC, or a combination of both. It was discovered that air filtration was the fourth most used strategy (27.4%), preceded only by not smoking (80%), no pets (53.9%) and washing sheets with hot water (43.2%), followed by pillowcases (23.7%), mattress covers (23.4%), no carpets (14.5%) and the use of a dehumidifier (13.8%). Electrostatic air filters have a MERV rating (nominal minimum efficiency value) of around 5 or 6, depending on the brand, meaning they can capture larger particles.

Many high-end air conditioners today come with an electrostatic filter to clean the air, for example, Daikin air conditioners. When used in combination, these duct heating systems are called heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. These fibers are made of glass or synthetic materials, while electrostatic air filters are made of thick fibers, which work on the principle of electromagnetism. Air travels over the metal surface, creating static electricity, similar to socks sliding across the carpet. Additional interventions included an air filter (69.3%) placed in the child's room, a dehumidifier in the basement (54.5%) and the exhaust vent of the dryer (35.6%).For the millions of homes with forced air conditioning systems, regular maintenance programs and the use of high-efficiency disposable filters seem to be the best options.

While indoor air quality (IAQ) is a concern, there are many things you can do to ensure that the air you breathe is as clean as possible. Concerns about air emissions of small diameter particles have led some countries to prefer gasoline cars to diesel cars, except for trucks and buses, where greater efficiency has been the primary factor. Regular cleaning is necessary for any machine to work efficiently, and the same goes for electrostatic air filters, as dust can block airflow.

Simon Genz
Simon Genz

Infuriatingly humble social media practitioner. Incurable communicator. Friendly internet trailblazer. Zombie fan. Lifelong foodaholic.