The Benefits of Regularly Changing Your Air Filter: A Guide for Improved Performance and Efficiency

It's no secret that clean air filters are essential for maintaining the air quality in your home and improving energy efficiency. Clogged and dirty air filters require the HVAC system to work harder, resulting in higher energy consumption and bills. But did you know that replacing a clogged air filter can also increase fuel efficiency and improve acceleration in your vehicle?When you understand the importance of clean air filters, it makes sense to replace them regularly. How does an air filter make such a difference? A dirty or damaged air filter limits the amount of air that enters the car's engine, causing it to work harder and consume more fuel.

As the engine needs more than 10,000 liters of oxygen to burn every liter of fuel, it's important not to restrict this airflow. Naturally, air filters must be changed in case of damage. However, to keep your car performing as efficiently as possible, it's recommended to replace air filters at least every 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000 to 24,000 km). This interval should be reduced if you drive frequently in dusty places. It's best to check the maintenance program provided by the car manufacturer to find out what the appropriate replacement program is.

Most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies generally recommend changing the air filter every 90 days or 3 months. In addition, changing a clogged air filter can increase acceleration by 6 to 11 percent in modern fuel-injected cars. It will no longer be able to filter the air properly, allowing dust and contaminants to enter the air conditioning system. In general, filters with a MERV rating of 16 or lower are considered filters suitable for air conditioning systems for residential, commercial and general hospital use. In fact, a dirty filter is the most common cause of breakdowns in heating and air conditioning systems. If you change your boiler air filter regularly, you can save 5 to 15% on electricity costs.

A filter with a high MERV and a very tight mesh can be too much for some units, resulting in a situation similar to that of a clogged air filter, even just after changing it. A new air filter will increase fuel consumption, reduce emissions, allow optimal airflow and improve engine performance. There's no need to replace your car's air conditioning filter if you've already replaced the cabin air filter. As the filter captures more and more of your home's natural contaminating particles (dust, mold and fungus spores, pet dander, fabric fibers, etc.), it will become clogged over time. Regardless of the exact numbers, it's obvious that a clean air filter improves air flow to the engine and increases engine performance and fuel consumption. So if you want your car or HVAC system to run efficiently and save money on energy bills, make sure you replace your air filters regularly.

Simon Genz
Simon Genz

Infuriatingly humble social media practitioner. Incurable communicator. Friendly internet trailblazer. Zombie fan. Lifelong foodaholic.