The Consequences of Not Changing Your Air Filter: What You Need to Know

If you don't change your air filter regularly, it can quickly become clogged with dust and dirt, preventing proper air filtration. This can lead to a number of issues in the air conditioning system, such as decreased efficiency, higher energy bills, poor air quality, and even breakdowns. Not only that, but the contaminants that the filter is unable to trap can be released back into the air that everyone in the house breathes. This can cause immediate problems such as headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness.

The long-term effects of not changing or cleaning your air filter can be even more serious. If left unchecked, these contaminants can lead to respiratory disease, heart disease, or even cancer. You may also notice that the air in your home is stagnant and it's harder to reach the desired temperatures. This is because all the air in your home, along with the particles suspended in the air, travel through this single spot several times a day. To help you better understand why changing your air filter is such a crucial step in maintaining your air conditioning system, here are some of the problems that can arise if you don't replace it routinely.

The filter is designed to house these tiny elements, but when it becomes clogged due to the accumulation of particles and contaminants, it creates an almost impenetrable barrier that prevents air from fully flowing. This can cause a number of issues throughout the air conditioning system. Some of the most common things that filters block are dust, pollen, lint, mold, hair, animal fur, bacteria, and more. When air filters are not constantly changed, they become clogged due to the accumulation of particles and contaminants that adhere to the filter. This means that the entire system has to work harder to distribute heat or air where it's needed, increasing your utility bills. The longer particles stay in the air, the more likely they are to accumulate inside the unit and obstruct airflow.

To prevent this from happening, you should use an air filter with a MERV rating higher than that recommended by the boiler or air conditioner manufacturer. The only type of filters that capture allergens and spores are HEPA filters. As the system tries harder to get around clogged air filters, it can cause the entire system to overload and eventually break. Additionally, failure to change the filter can also cause moisture to accumulate in the structure and this can cause major problems such as mold. These air filters act as barriers to prevent contaminants from entering the air conditioning system or from circulating through the air. To ensure that your system runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come, make sure you change your air filter regularly.

Simon Genz
Simon Genz

Infuriatingly humble social media practitioner. Incurable communicator. Friendly internet trailblazer. Zombie fan. Lifelong foodaholic.